How to Appreciate Someone 1
Appreciating ideas,  LifeStyle

6 Mind-Blowing Ways to Appreciate Someone

There are various ways to appreciate someone. Our friends and loved ones are the most precious gift we have received in life, and we should always appreciate them. These people kept us going during the pandemic no matter how hard the times got. Even if we stayed connected with them virtually, their support never faded. We all have such people in our lives. We can call at any hour of the day, and just talking to them gets a lot of load off our chest. 

But knowing it is not enough, we often slide our opinions about them with so much ease but forget to acknowledge their efforts and appreciate them. If someone does something good for us, we should respect that and express how much we value their efforts. Kind words of appreciation always do wonders and make the other person feel loved and important. You don’t have to be eloquent in your speech. Even small heartfelt words can work their magic. 

So, here is how to appreciate someone when you feel grateful-

Just “Thank You” isn’t Enough

Ways to appreciate someone by saying a thankyou

Well, there can be a plethora of situations where you feel the need to appreciate someone. A heartfelt thank you has its magic, but it is a cliché and so usually overused that these words might not indicate the amount of gratitude you feel for them. So, let’s try some other ways-

When you Want to Sound Formal.

  • Thank you for being so kind.
  • I am truly overwhelmed by your kind efforts.
  • I cannot thank you enough for everything you do. 
  • Please accept my gratitude. 
  • Thank you for your time. 
  • We are grateful to have you on our team. 
  • Thank you for your unflinching support.
  • I am so grateful to you.
  • Thank you for your valuable advice.

When it is Personal-

  • I am so glad that you exist!
  • You are the best person ever!
  • Thank you so much for your efforts.
  • You are awesome!
  • Thank you for existing!
  • I am so happy to have you. You rock!
  • Thank you for always showing up.
  • Can you be any more amazing?
  • I love the fact that I have you in my life.

Ways to Appreciate Someone-Give Them Your Attention.

Appreciate someone by giving them your attention

When they take their valuable time to help you out or do something for you, you should reciprocate their efforts. Whenever they need you, you should help them. Sometimes giving them your undivided attention is enough and can help them a lot more than you can imagine.

Often people just need someone who can listen to them patiently and understand their problems. Being a good listener is not quite easy. Many a time, we can’t resist cutting in between and enlightening them with our opinions. But it is not always necessary that they need one. Perhaps they want to vent out to gain a better perspective. 

Many problems are solved mainly by speaking your mind and confronting your thoughts. So, listen to them calmly. They will feel valued, and make sure that you provide them with a comfortable space to talk. Otherwise, they will refrain from opening up due to fear of judgment. 

Ways to Appreciate Someone-Give them written proof of your appreciation.

Give a written proof

The era of writing letters to your loved ones and even your enemies was the best! People used to express their feelings in words. And those feelings remained forever captured in a folded paper secured in an envelope. 

Some things can never get old-fashioned, and writing letters and notes is definitely one of those things. Even the era of digitization cannot shadow the beauty of exchanging notes. 

You can save long letters for special occasions, but a short and sweet, heartfelt post-it note can also become a worthy substitute. So, brush up your creative writing skills, pick up a pen and admire the people you are grateful for in writing. Leave these notes on their desks, mirrors, or laptops; they would be delighted to read what you have to say to them. 

Be there when they need you.

Be there with people when they need your help

People are all we’ve got. And we should be able to appreciate someone. If someone had helped you when you needed them, then it is only fair that they can rely on you for your help and support. If you make any promises, then you should keep them. 

Sometimes we get busy and can’t keep our commitments. At such times, let the other person know in advance that you will not be able to show up. Nobody likes to be stood up. Don’t make them feel as if they are being taken for granted. 

Show up when you promise and avoid canceling plans at the last minute if there is no emergency. It doesn’t feel good and they might feel insulted. 

Reciprocate their efforts.

Reciprocate their efforts

We often fail to acknowledge many things our partners and loved ones do for us. Even the smallest gestures can cheer them up and make them feel valued. You can make breakfast, run some errands for them, stuff like this will show how much you care about them. They help us at all walks of our lives, and we never really take time out to express our gratitude.

Send them flowers 

Send them flowers 

Flowers are symbols of love. Flowers are the best way to appreciate someone. If you are grateful to someone and wondering about a beautiful gesture to express your gratitude, then send them flowers. They always bring a wide smile to every face who receives them. You can even add a small note of appreciation with the flowers. Anyone would be delighted at such a gesture. 

Spread joy with Blooms Flora 

To send flowers online, you can count on Blooms Flora to make your gesture grand and lovely. We have fantastic combinations of flowers and cakes to send across to your loved ones at affordable prices. So, what are you waiting for, Order fresh and lovely blooms and get them delivered on the same day!

Soumen Mondal is an enthusiastic writer and blogger known for his captivating and insightful content. With a diverse range of interests, his versatile writing style covers topics from technology, Nature, lifestyle & personal development. His ability to simplify complex ideas makes his articles accessible and valuable to readers of all backgrounds. Through his thought-provoking narratives, he aims to inspire and leave a lasting impact on his audience.