Make October The Month Of Gifting And Showering Love

October Cheers: Spreading Warmth and Positivity Through Gifts

‘I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers’ ~ L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Well, Miss Montgomery was not wrong. Important holidays, as well as a lot of stress, arrive in November and December. One of the many reasons October should be the favorite month of the year is because it has something for everyone. From excuses for gifting Flowers, cakes, stuffed toys, and costumes to enjoying Halloween decorations, crunchy leaves, and football with your loved ones, October brings so much to do and explore.

Yet it’s also the one Fall month that urges you to unwind and rediscover your inner child. October is all about savoring the beauty of the last waning days before the storm of holiday preparation and New Year’s resolution-making kicks in. That means indulging in holiday candy while binge-watching horror movies or taking a weekend away to explore the marvels of nature.

But that is not all! There are so many days and events in the month of October that people had absolutely no idea about. Sure, November and December are hyped as gifting season. But let us not leave October out of this and make it the month of gifting and showering love.

Gifting on World Smile Day

Smiley emoji on the road

How have we been sleeping on this day? On the first Friday of October, World Smile Day is commemorated. The Happy Face was created in 1963 by Harvey Ball, a commercial artist from Worcester, Massachusetts. That image has since become the world’s most famous symbol of goodwill and good cheer. Now that you have been educated, hop off and make someone smile! Compliment strangers (don’t be creepy though), get your spouse some flowers from our romance collection and get a thank you card for your colleague. Not that you should wait for this day to make people around you smile, but why let go of the chance?

World Card-Making Day

Gifting card with a pink rose

Bet you didn’t know about this one either. Celebrated on the first Saturday of October, World Card Making Day is dedicated to the making of handmade cards. Handmade cards are a beautiful way of showing that you can go out of your way to express your emotions. Plus, store-bought cards really do not have the same care and effort put in as handmade cards. You can decorate it the way you want and write your own personalized notes on it.

World Animal Welfare Day

A Pug covered in a blanket

Every year on October 4, World Animal Day is an international day of action for animal rights and welfare. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, has a feast day on this day. We all know how animals are being wrongly treated all over the world. Here is a chance for you to shower your love to animals and bring about a change in the world. Feed the strays in your area, donate to an animal shelter, bring home an abandoned animal, or show some extra love to your pet.

World Teachers’ Day

Teachers Day

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) founded World Teachers’ Day in 1994. The ILO/UNESCO Recommendation on the Status of Teachers was adopted on the 5th of October in 1966. Teachers fill the place of parents at school, guiding and molding the student’s character and personality. A good teacher encourages and guides a student to realize his full potential and develop as a person. Let us all thank our teachers with a lovely bouquet of flowers that you can buy on our website. You can also pair it with a cake or some chocolates. Read more about why flowers are the best gift for teacher’s day here.

International Day of the Girl Child

A girl goes to school

The world has not been very easy on girls, has it? The United Nations designated October 11 as International Day of the Girl in 2012 to honor the accomplishments and potential of girls. The goal of the day is to bring attention to and solve the issues and challenges that girls confront, as well as to promote girls’ empowerment and the realization of their human rights.

Let us do our part and shower as much love as we can, not only to our daughters but also to every female presence in our lives. On this day we shall devote ourselves to gifting the joy of life to the girls who are struggling to fight off their oppressors. Be it your mother, your sisters, cousins, nieces, or female colleagues, make sure you show them that you are an ally.

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

A mother and son trying to stay warm at night

The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty has been observed since October 17, 1987. Over a hundred thousand people gathered at the Trocadéro in Paris on that day to pay respect to those who had died as a result of extreme poverty, violence, or hunger. Make sure you shower your love to the underprivileged as well. See if you have a poor family near your house that you can take care of. Be generous all through the year and not just in October.

There are a lot of people who instead of buying expensive products for themselves or gifting their loved ones with luxury products, go and give to the needy. A lot of them, including my family, go and do their part for Old age homes, NGOs, orphanages, and more. Let this be a sign for you to give back to the community today!

Halloween-Happy Trick-or-treating

Gifting scares all over the place

Well, Halloween doesn’t need an explanation. There are lots of gifts you can choose from. You can make Halloween-themed food for your loved ones like candies, caramel apples, pumpkin pie, etc. You can also gift them spooky-themed items like candles, coffee mugs, t-shirts, bath bombs, etc. If you want to get deep in the hallowed culture, you can get a pumpkin and carve one out yourself or together with your family.

Do you ever ask yourself this question? Why do we carve pumpkins on Halloween? Why are they significant? The story starts with a man known as Stingy Jack, who tricked the devil to get wealth. When he died his soul wasn’t allowed in heaven or hell. He was punished to roam about the earth forever. In Ireland, people started to carve demonic faces out of turnips to frighten away Jack’s wandering soul. When people from Ireland moved to the USA, they started carving faces out of pumpkins as they were native to the US. Read more here.

Even though there are numerous reasons to shower your love and indulge yourself in gifting the perfect present to your loved ones this October, don’t waste your time searching for gifts for your loved ones and shower your affection on them through our collection. Make the most of the time you have with them. Adieu!

Soumen Mondal is an enthusiastic writer and blogger known for his captivating and insightful content. With a diverse range of interests, his versatile writing style covers topics from technology, Nature, lifestyle & personal development. His ability to simplify complex ideas makes his articles accessible and valuable to readers of all backgrounds. Through his thought-provoking narratives, he aims to inspire and leave a lasting impact on his audience.