Best Indoor Plants

Best Indoor Plants for Your Home

If you have a small home but you still want to make it look nature-friendly, choose the best indoor plants. Just flex your green thumb and look for indoor space that do not require a lot of space. When selecting such plants, you need to ensure that all these plants require no sunlight but bright shade. Here are a few indoor plants theat can add charm and character to your humble abode.

1. ZZ Plant-Best Indoor Plants

ZZ Indoor Plants

It is one of the best indoor plants that you can have for your home. It requires minimal sunlight, less water, and absolutely no hassle in maintaining them. It tolerates low light so you can put it in even a less bright spot of your home.

2. Red Aglaonema-Best Indoor Plants

Red Aglaonema best indoor Plant

It is a lovely and stunning looking plant with bright pink leaves and stems. It grows in low to bright light so any corner in your home will do just fine. When grown in medium light, its colours come out more nicely.

3. Rubber Plant-Best Indoor Plants

Rubber best Indoor Plant

It is another amazing plant that adds warmth in your living room when placed in a corner. These plants need indirect, bright light. This plant needs watering only when the soil is completely dry. It is also a naturally air cleaning plant.

4. String of Pearls- Best Indoor Plants

String of Pearls Best Indoor Plants

It is a stunningly beautiful indoor plants that looks best when in a hanging planter. Its cascading branches with pearl-like leaves look lovely. Many online flower delivery companies have them. These companies also deliver plants and flowers to Kolkata.

5. Sweetheart Plant-Best Indoor Plants

Sweetheart Best Indoor Plants

It is a heart-shaped adorable looking plant. Also referred to as Hoya kerrii, it is also available as a single leaf plant. It is an easy to maintain succulent that needs very little water. Keep it in direct bright lights for the best results. The best place is to place it on the window sill catching direct sunlight.

6. Anthurium-Best Indoor Plants

Anthurium Plant

This plant has heart-shaped waxy leaves with a central prominent stamen. It needs watering every couple of days and fertilizers added to ensure its full bloom.

7. Bird of Paradise

Bird Of Paradise Indoor plant

Place this plant in a sunny, bright spot. It can also handle low level light. It is a very easy to handle and maintain plant that will surely bring a smile of cheer on your face every time you look at it.

8. Snake Plants

Snake Plant

Popular as an air purifying plant, it looks lovely and elegant when placed in a corner. It requires less watering and is easy to maintain.

9. Kalanchoe Plants

If you love bringing colour and cheer to your space, place a planter of kalanchoe on your table. It is a great mood booster and adds a lovely touch in the wintertime.

10. Peace Lilies Plants

This plant grows well in low and medium light with a lovely white colour flower in the middle.
All these plants are available at BloomsFlora, a reputed flowers delivery to Chennai services. The company provides its services across all over the country using its strong vendor network.

Soumen Mondal is an enthusiastic writer and blogger known for his captivating and insightful content. With a diverse range of interests, his versatile writing style covers topics from technology, Nature, lifestyle & personal development. His ability to simplify complex ideas makes his articles accessible and valuable to readers of all backgrounds. Through his thought-provoking narratives, he aims to inspire and leave a lasting impact on his audience.